My 11 Top Favorite Clara Oswald Episodes of Doctor Who

With Clara Oswald leaving at the end of this season of Doctor Who, I thought I would honor her by listing my favorite episodes of hers. When I say my top eleven favorite Clara Oswald episodes, I’m talking about episodes in which the companion does something epic. I am in my list including all the episodes that Clara appears in. Clara Oswald is my favorite companion:

  1. Name of the Doctor (Doctor Who Season Seven Episode 14): Clara Oswald saves the Doctor throughout his regenerations by jumping into his time stream. She risks her life to save her best friend.
  2. Listen (Doctor Who Season Eight Episode 4): Clara inspires a young boy to become the Doctor one day and also causes him to feel that he is never alone.
  3. Deep Breath (Doctor Who Season Eight Episode 1): The opening for Season Eight is the start of Clara’s friendship with the 12th Doctor. The episode is as much about Clara figuring out what sort of man the Doctor has become as about the Doctor learning about his new self. I really love the bickering between the Doctor and Clara. Also, how Clara extracts all the info from the main Cyborg even though she is scared. She is one of the most clever companions.
  4. The Bells Of Saint John (Doctor Who Season Seven Episode Seven): The Doctor meets the modern Clara Oswald in that episode. Clara and the 11th Doctor also have great chemistry as best friends. I liked how Clara was not afraid to make fun of the Doctor and that she played a big part in saving the day by hacking into the Shard.
  5. Asylum of the Daleks (Doctor Who Season Seven Episode One): Oswin the shadow of Clara Oswald saves the Doctor, Amy, and Rory by guiding them through the hospital for the mentally insane Daleks. This was the start of the “impossible girl” mythos. Oswin is a self declared genius who even after figuring out that she became a Dalek still saved the Doctor’s life.
  6. The Snowmen( Doctor Who Season Seven Episode Six): Victorian Clara Oswin Oswald curiosity and bravery inspires the Doctor to become a hero again after losing Amy Pond. She is the only person to say the line “It’s smaller on the outside” instead of the normal “bigger in the inside” line, which made me love her. On Clara’s first try she was able to figure out all of the Doctor’s moves.
  7. The Magician’s Assistant (Doctor Who Season Nine Episode One): Clara Oswald announcing that she had kissed Jane Austin is awesome. Clara is the first bisexual female companion in modern Who. She willing works with Missy to find the Time Lord even after the Time Lady killed Danny showing her loyalty to the Doctor.
  8. Kill The Moon (Doctor Who Season Eight Episode Seven): Clara stops the rest of future humanity from killing a defenseless baby alien hatching from inside the Moon. She proves that she can solve problems without the Doctor.
  9. Flatline (Doctor Who Season Eight Episode 9): Clara Oswald acts as the Doctor for the most of the episode. She reveals to the Doctor how dark he can be, but still saves ordinary people’s lives.
  10. The Witches Familiar (Doctor Who Season Nine Episode Two): The companion gets trapped inside a Dalek. Clara inspires the Doctor to help a young Davros so that later she could force the Dalek shell to say mercy.
  11. Robot of Sherwood(Doctor Who Season Eight Episode Three): The Sheriff of Nottingham saw Clara Oswald as the leader instead of Robin Hood or the Doctor. Clara tricks the Sheriff into telling her his plan to take over the world using  robots from outer space.

Please tell me your favorite Clara Oswald episodes.

10 Ways That Lost Is a Feminist Television Show

Here are the ten reasons why I believe Lost is a feminist television show:

1.Because of her cleverness and willingness to risk danger to help the ones she cares about, Kate Austen is one of the leaders of the Oceanic flight group
2.Kwon Sun-Hwa (Sun) learnt English so she could get out of an abusive and loveless marriage.
3.Sun subverted patriarchal marriage by refusing to live by her husband’s rules on the island. Also, by returning to the island to save him instead of the normative — the other way around.
4.Penny Widmore saves Desmond Hume her lover and future husband. Desmond is the “man in distress” and Penny the hero.
5.Doctor Juliet Burke is a fertility doctor and a OB/GYN. Juliet solved her sister’s infertility issue which she discovered was caused by cancer. This cure is considered a miracle, such a huge deal that “The Others” wanted her.
6.Juliet is one of the few “Others” to switch to the flight group’s side because of her compassion.
7.By burning down the family house with her step-father inside, Kate Austen saved her mother from an abusive relationship the best way she could.
8.Kate Austen proves her intelligence by being three steps ahead of the Marshall who was chasing her and her ability to track down people on the island. She can also manipulate others into doing what she wants. Thankfully, Kate uses her intelligence for the good (on the island).
9.Claire Littleton is a protective mother who is able to raise her baby son on a deserted island.
10.By using her wit to make homemade traps, Danielle Rousseau survived on the island, in isolation, for sixteen years. Her hope in seeing her daughter Alex again kept her going.

Please follow my blog MAE.

Ways That Doctor Who Supports The Doctor Regenerating As a Woman

I know I have already mused about why the Doctor should regenerate as a woman, but here are some ways that the television show Doctor Who supports the idea:

  1. The Master regenerating as Missy.
  2. Ohila of The Sisterhood of Kahn offered Doctor 8 a potion to force him to regenerate into a woman meaning that Time Lords can become Time Ladies. These potions only made sure that the Doctor turned into a specific time of person not adding crazy possibilities.
  3. Doctor 11 mentioned to Rory and Amy that his Time Lord friend the Corsair had been a Time Lady a couple of times. Time Lords can become Time Ladies more than once. Nothing is stopping the Doctor from becoming a woman in another regeneration or two.
  4. Missy asked Clara to guess what of the three things about the Doctor that she says is false. One of the facts was that the Doctor was once a little girl. The implication meaning that its possible that the Doctor was born female or for a brief part of the Time Lord’s childhood was a girl.
  5. Doctor Who is a science fiction television show, so anything can happen.

In the BBC science fiction show, woman are powerful characters. The viewers see the world of Doctor Who through the mostly young women’ eyes who the Doctor travels with. The tardis was even shown to be a woman and is called old girl by the Doctor.Theres nothing stopping Steven Moffat from having the next regeneration being a woman. Lets make Doctor Who  more modern and a bigger feminist show than it was before. Though let me be clear that I love all the Doctors in the modern era, so this is no judgment on them. I just want to see the Doctor being a woman instead of a white man again.

Special Note: Sydney Newman who created Doctor Who in 1963, also started The Avengers  a spy show with female agents.

10 Reasons Why Star Trek: Next Generation is a Feminist Television Show

Here are the ten reasons why I believe Star Trek: Next Generation is a feminist television show:

  1. Doctor Beverly Crusher is a single mother who raises her genius son entirely by herself. She also manages the health of all the crew on board of the Starship Enterprise.
  2. Doctor Beverly Crusher graduated top of her class at the Starlet Academy.
  3. Doctor Beverly Crusher is a Commander in the Starfleet making her one rank below Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
  4. Doctor Crusher is chief medical officer of both Enterprise-D and Enterprise-E.
  5. Doctor Beverly Crusher was head of Starfleet Medical for an entire year, which I believe is the highest position a doctor could have in Starfleet.
  6. Counselor Deanna of Troi was at the rank of Lieutenant Commander for the first six seasons, then moved up to Commander for seventh season and continued to be a Commander for all the different spin offs from the series.
  7. Deanna of Troi is half betazoid and human, so she can feel other people’s emotion. Being an empath makes her very skilled at performing as the in-starship therapist and helping Captain Picard read potential enemies.
  8. Counselor Deanna of Troi has an advanced psychologist degree from the Starfleet Academy.
  9. Lieutenant Natasha “Tash” Yar was Chief Security Officer for the first season of Star Trek: Next Generation. 
  10. The women on the Starship Enterprise are brilliant and all high in rank or position.

Please follow my blog MAE.